Access to SCCFT1950 email can be done a number of ways. If you would like to access your email from a browser like Chrome, FireFox, IE, or Safari, there are three clients that each offer a different layout and experience. It’s just a preference of what layout you happen to like. Here are the three flavors of web clients:
- To Set Up Email on a Client like Outlook, MacMail, or Thunderbird
- Your username is your email address (example:
- Your password is the email password
- Incoming host is
- outgoing host is
- Authentication is “normal password” for both incoming and outgoing
- incoming port is: 995
- outgoing port is: 465
Remember to use your full email address and your password to log in!
You can forward the email you need to your SCCFT email address and it will be in your new email box. You can also save your mail as a zip file. Select many items at once and choose the three lines in the upper right, then click “Save as File” to download the This can be uploaded to your new box and unzipped.